Assess Joint Ownership-Seldom a Wise Choice

Joint Ownership between husband and wife is generally not a problem.  However, joint ownership between a parent and their child/children can cause a host of problems.  To learn more, attend one of our FREE Estate Planning Seminars.   Watch for details.

Avoid Old Age Security Clawback

If you or your partner are losing some of your Old Age Pension, learn ways to GET IT BACK by attending one of our FREE Estate Planning Seminars.   Watch for details.

Avoid Probate Fees

There are new requirements effective January 1, 2015 that Estate Trustees (formerly known as Executors) must fulfill when performing their duties.  To learn more, attend one of our FREE Estate Planning Seminars.   Watch for details.

Common Mistakes in Will Drafting

At Harbour Planning Group, we believe the Will and Powers of Attorney are the cornerstone to a proper financial plan.  As such, it is paramount that these documents be reviewed on a regular basis. Keep an eye out for one of our FREE Estate Planning Seminars which will address common mistakes in Will drafting.